Airtel Smart Value Tariff Plan: How to Migrate and Call Rate

I know there are many people like me who find call plans like airtel smart value refreshing because they do not have any hidden conditions such as daily access fee or drop in call rate after certain seconds of call in a day.

But then you have to ask yourself this question. How better is it than those call plans with the hidden conditions or even if it is better than them at all.

I can confidently say that 80% of the time, you are better off with plans such as airtel smart talk and smart trybe with 1 or 2 conditions.

I didn’t say 100 percent because, in the long run, there is a possibility that you might be better off with plans like smart value.

Let’s assume you buy 100 Naira airtime on all these plans and were able to finish it in a day. Then, the like of smart talk and smart trybe gives you about 14 minutes Talktime while smart value’s Talktime is 11 minutes.

But if you aren’t able to finish the airtime in a day, let’s say it took you a week or so, then by the time you calculate the Talktime, you will realize smart value is better in the long run.

But still, for plans like Airtel Smart Trybe that come with other benefits such as the Airtel night plan, I don’t see anyone picking smart value over it.

How to Migrate to Airtel Smart Value

Dial *314# and you will be migrated for free in a few seconds. If you have migrated once at least once in the last 30 days, you will be charged 100 Naira.

Airtel Smart Value Call Rate

You will be charged 15 kobo per second (k/sec) for calls you make to any local number in Nigeria.

With the Talktime calculations below, we will be able to determine how long it is going to take you to use 100 Naira to 1000 Naira airtime when you are on this tariff plan.

But before that, let’s convert the call rate from K/s to Naira/min.

  • 15 kobo – 1 second
  • X – 60 seconds (1 minute)

X = 60 x 15 = 900 kobo per minute


  • 1 Naira – 100 kobo
  • X – 900 kobo per minute

X = 900 / 100 = 9 Naira per minute

Airtel Smart Value Talk Time

100 Naira Airtime

Talktime = 100 / 9 = 11 minutes 6 seconds

200 Naira Airtime

Talktime = 200 / 9 = 22 minutes 13 seconds

300 Naira Airtime

Talktime = 300 / 9 = 33 minutes 20 seconds

500 Naira Airtime

Talktime = 500 / 9 = 55 minutes 33 seconds

1000 Naira Airtime

Talktime = 1000 / 9 = 111 minutes 6 seconds

Final Thought

Yes, there is surely no daily access fee or any other conditions for that matter but there are also no other benefits such as data and recharge bonus.

In my own opinion, airtel smart value just seems like a dry/boring call plan. To add salt to injury, the plan’s Talktime is not as impressive as the likes of smart-talk and smart trybe that have the said conditions.

At this moment, I won’t feel comfortable recommending this tariff to any airtel user. But if there is some sort of revamping that drops the call rate or adds 1 or 2 other benefits to it, it might be worth it.