Glo Gbam Plus Tariff Plan: Migration Code and Call Rate

Like many good tariff plans, Glo gbam plus despite its cheap call rate especially for on-net calls has its own limitations.

You should see gbam plus as a plan that you only want to load airtime on only when you need to make a call. Also, it will really be wise if you load the amount you will be able to exhaust in a day or two.

I know you want to know why. Here it is.

On Gbam Plus, there is daily access or rental fee of 5 Naira and unlike most plans with similar caveats where the access fee only applies when you actually make a call, you will be charged regardless of this plan.

Meaning if you load 100 Naira airtime and you do not even use it for 20 days, it would have been gone by the time you check your balance. The daily access fee of 5 Naira multiplied by 20 is 100 Naira (20 x 5 = 100).

I am really hoping Globacom will reconsider and even if the daily access fee won’t be scrapped, it should at least only applies when you’ve actually initiated an outgoing call.

However, the limitation aside, the call plan comes with a cheap call rate if you are going to be using it to call other Glo numbers.

How to Migrate to Glo Gbam Plus

Dial *211#. Migration is free if you haven’t done any in the last 30 days and 100 Naira if you have.

Glo Gbam Plus Call Rate

Calls to other Glo number is charged at 11 kobo per second and calls to other networks are charged at 18 kobo per second.

Let’s do some talk time calculations and see how long it will take to exhaust different airtime recharge values.

But first, let us convert the call rate to Naira per minute

  • 11 kobo – 1 second
  • X – 60 seconds

X = 60 x 11 = 660 kobo per minute


  • 1 Naira – 100 kobo
  • X – 660 kobo per minute

X = 660 / 100 = 6.6 Naira per minute.


  • 18 kobo – 1 second
  • X – 60 seconds

X = 60 x 18 = 1080 kobo per minute


  • 1 Naira – 100 kobo
  • X – 1080 kobo per minute

X = 1080 / 100 = 10.8 Naira / min

Now, let’s calculate the Talktime for recharge value of 100 Naira up to 1000 Naira and remember the daily access fee of 5 Naira.

100 Naira Airtime

  • After Access Fee = 100 – 5 = 95 Naira
  • Glo to Glo = 95 / 6.6 = 14 minutes 23 seconds
  • Glo to other Network = 95 / 10.8 = 8 minutes 48 seconds

200 Naira Airtime

  • After Access Fee = 200 – 5 = 195 Naira
  • Glo to Glo = 195 / 6.6 = 29 minutes 33 seconds
  • Glo to other Network = 195 / 10.8 = 18 minutes 3 seconds

300 Naira Airtime

  • After Access Fee = 300 – 5 = 295 Naira
  • Glo to Glo = 295 / 6.6 = 44 minutes 42 seconds
  • Glo to other Network = 295 / 10.8 = 27 minutes 19 seconds

500 Naira Airtime

  • After Access Fee = 500 – 5 = 495 Naira
  • Glo to Glo = 495 / 6.6 = 75 minutes
  • Glo to other Network = 495 / 10.8 = 45 minutes 50 seconds

1000 Naira Airtime

  • After Access Fee = 1000 – 5 = 995 Naira
  • Glo to Glo = 995 / 6.6 = 150 minutes 45 seconds
  • Glo to other Network = 995 / 10.8 = 92 minutes 8 seconds

Final Thought

Glo gbam plus is very similar to the Glo 11 kobo per second plan but the little differences between them really matter.

On gbam plus, the daily fee is 5 Naira while it is 7.17 Naira on the 11 K/sec plan. But the fee is only deducted when you make a call on the 11 k/sec plan.

Gbam plus has a different call rate for calls to other networks while the call rate is the same across the board at 11 kobo per second.

From all indications except for the daily access fee which doesn’t really matter in the long run, 11 kobo per second tariff is a much better plan than gbam plus.

But the final choice is still yours. All the information you want is here and I hope they are educative enough for you to make the decision easily.