How to Recharge MTN 10 Digit Card (17,16,15 & 13 Digits Card) 2023

This post contains information on how to load MTN 10 digit card.

Not long ago, MTN Nigeria introduced the 10 digits MTN recharge card pin. This new 10 digit pin has recently made a lot of people ask one question; “How to recharge MTN 10 digit card”.

Not just that, but surprisingly, MTN just stopped *311# for loading MTN Card. However, there’s a new code.

Well, loading the MTN 10 digit recharge card pin is quite different from how you load the normal recharge card pin we’re all familiar with.

That’s a mistake I once did!

So, if you’re seeking the new MTN recharge code, we’ve got you covered.

Recharging MTN 10, 13, 15, 16 & 17 Digits Card

how to recharge mtn 10 digit card

When I first came across this 10 digit recharge card, I thought it was fake, then I returned it and asked the retailer for another one. To my greatest surprise, it was still a 10 digit pin recharge card she gave to me again.


I somehow felt intimidated and then asked her how to recharge it. Then she taught me and even told me there’s a 17, 16, 13, and even 15 digit MTN recharge card pin.

Whether you’re seeing this type of recharge card for the first time, or you’ve once come across it In this article, you’ll learn how to load MTN 10 digit recharge card pin.

Not only that, but I’ll also show you how to load the 17,16,13, and 15 digits MTN recharge card pin.

MTN New Recharge Code 2023

*311*Recharge Card PIN# is the new code to recharge MTN airtime in 2023. For example, if the credit pin is 3104 5678 900 987, just dial *311*31045678900987# to load your MTN card.

How to Recharge MTN 10 Digit Card

To recharge the MTN 10 digits card, simply dial *3551*The 10 Digits PIN# and send.

For example, if you purchased an MTN 10 digit recharge card that the pin is 31045-67890 here’s how I’ll load it.


Then send/call

Once it’s sent, your MTN line will be credited immediately with the exact worth of the card you purchased.

That’s it! Yes, that’s how to load MTN 10 digit card.

However, Make sure you enter the correct recharge card pin because if the pin you entered is wrong, you will get an error and no credit will be added.

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Did you get bonuses after recharging the 10 digit pin?

Yes! You can get bonuses for a 10 digit recharge card.

Do you want to know how?

Then just navigate to the “New Code For Loading MTN Card” section of this article to find out.

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MTN Recharge Code for 17-Digit Pin

The MTN 17 digit pin recharge card is the most common and most familiar MTN recharge card pin.

It’s very easy to load as it’s still the same way you load your normal MTN recharge card.

That is, you just need to dial *311*PIN# for normal account recharge without bonus or simply dial *888*PIN# for airtime and data bonus.

Example; *311*31045678903104567# (No Bonus)

*888*31045678903104567# (With Bonus)

That is simply how to load MTN 17 digit card. After you correctly enter and send the recharge card pin, your account will be credited immediately.

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MTN Recharge Code for 13-Digit Pin

MTN 13 digit pin was once the most common MTN recharge card pin some years ago but was later increased to 16, then 17 after scammers started calculating and guessing the recharge number right.

I don’t really think MTN still prints the 13 digit pin, but I’ve been hearing in the air that some people still come across such recharge cards.

But don’t worry, if you found one, here’s how to load it.

Simply dial *311*PIN# for regular account recharge without bonus or dial *888*PIN# for airtime bonus.

For example, say I want to load this 13 digits MTN recharge card where its pin is 3104-5678-90124 the USSD code is *311*3104567890310456#

That’s simply how to load MTN 13 digit card.

You can still get airtime or data bonuses, depending on the amount of airtime you’ve recharged and the MTN tariff plan you have chosen.

Although, I’m not 100 percent sure about the bonus here. 

After dialing pin, your MTN line will be credited instantly with the top-up card you have purchased. Make sure you enter the correct pin or else, you will get an error message and your MTN line will not be credited.

MTN Recharge Code for 16-Digit Pin

The MTN 16 digit pin recharge card is slightly common and looks very much like the 17 digit MTN recharge card pin. In fact, both are similar to the extent that if you don’t count the digits one by one, you won’t know the difference.

It is very easy to load as its still the same way you load your normal MTN recharge card (i.e the 17 digit pin).

Just dial *311*PIN# for normal account recharge without bonus or dial *888*PIN# for airtime and data bonus.

For Example, if I want to load this MTN recharge card where its pin is 3104-5678-9012-3456 the USSD code is *311*3104567890310456# (No Bonus)


*888*3104567890310456# (With Bonus)

And that’s simply how to load MTN 16 digit card.

Once done correctly, your MTN will be immediately credited with the top-up card you have purchased. Make sure you enter the correct pin or else, you will get an error message and your MTN line will not be credited.

Read Also: MTN Tariff Plan that Allows airtime transfer

MTN Recharge Code for 15-Digit Pin

Lately, I’ve been hearing a few people talking about MTN 15 digit pin. But I’m not sure there is because I’ve not for once seen one.

But if you come across the 15 digit MTN recharge card pin, try to load it like this.

Dial *311*PIN#. And if that doesn’t work, then dial *3551*PIN# and send/call.

Example; *311*310456789031045# or *3551*310456789031045#

And that’s it. I mean how to load MTN 15 digit card.

New Code for Loading MTN Card

MTN has started introducing a new code for loading MTN Card and the code is *3551*, it was previously *311*.

However, the way of using this new USSD code is slightly different especially if you want to get a bonus on your airtime recharge.

Here are the two ways of recharging your MTN line with the new MTN recharge code.

*311* (No Bonus) Replacement

The *311* replacement of the new MTN recharge code is *3551*PIN#, and send/call.

*888* (With Bonus) Replacement

The *888* replacement of the new MTN recharge code is *3551*2*PIN#, and send/call.

How to Load MTN 10 Digit Card – FAQs

Is MTN 10 digit recharge card real?

Yes, MTN 10 digit recharge card is 100% real. Although, you won’t believe until you come across one.

How do I load MTN 10 digit recharge card?

You can load the MTN 10 digit card by simply dialing *3551*Recharge Card PIN#.

*3551# PIN not working?

This might be due to a network error from MTN or it might be due to upgrade in the MTN network. Please do retry again and again.


As said earlier, how to recharge MTN 10 digit card has been one of the most common reasons why people return the 10 digit recharge card whenever they come across it.

However, how to load MTN 10 digit recharge card shouldn’t be an issue for you anymore if you carefully read this guide.

You won’t only learn how to recharge MTN 10 digit card, but you’ll also know how to load the 17, 16, 13, and 15 pin recharge cards.

In case you have any queries concerning this post, kindly drop them in the comments section below.