How to Transfer Data on 9mobile [USSD & SMS] 2023

In the digital age, data is akin to a lifeline that keeps us connected to the world at our fingertips.

With 9mobile, one of Nigeria’s leading telecommunication companies, transferring data has never been easier.

This guide aims to walk you through the process of sharing data on 9mobile, a feature that not only adds value to your subscription but also offers convenience and flexibility.

Transferring data on 9mobile is straightforward, and in this comprehensive guide, we’re going to demystify the process for you.

Table of Contents

Transferring Data on 9mobile

Data transfer from 9mobile refers to the process of sharing your mobile data with other 9mobile users. It’s like gifting a part of your data bundle to a friend or family member who needs it.

However, to engage in data transfer, certain eligibility criteria and requirements need to be met. For instance, only prepaid customers can transfer data, and a minimum balance of data must be retained in your bundle post-transfer.

It’s also important to note that there are limits to the amount of data you can transfer at a time and within a month.

Related: How to Transfer Data on MTN

Methods of Data Transfer on 9mobile

There are various methods on how to send data from 9mobile to 9mobile, and they include:

USSD Code to Transfer Data on 9mobile

To transfer data on 9mobile, dial *229*PIN*Data Volume*9mobile Number# For instance, to send 200MB with PIN 0000 to 08093104567, dial *229*0000*200*08093104567#. Confirm by pressing 1.

Transferring data using USSD codes is one of the most popular methods among 9mobile users. It is quick, easy, and can be done from anywhere. Here’s how you can transfer data using USSD codes:

1. Dial the Transfer Code

To transfer data on 9mobile, dial:

*229*PIN*Volume of Data*9mobile Number#

Example: Let’s say your PIN is 0000 and you wish to transfer 200MB to the number 08093104567. In this case, you would dial:


2. Confirm the Transaction

After dialing, you’ll get a prompt asking you to confirm the transfer. Simply respond by pressing 1 to confirm.

3. Wait for Confirmation

Shortly after, you’ll receive a message indicating that your data transfer was successful.

Remember, always ensure you have enough data balance before initiating a transfer.

Also, remember, your default PIN is 0000. But for security reasons, you might want to change it. Dial *247*Old PIN*New PIN# to do so.

Online Platform Transfer

9mobile also offers an online platform for data transfer. This method is ideal for users who prefer digital interfaces for their transactions.

  1. Visit the 9mobile website or use the 9mobile app.
  2. Navigate to the data transfer section.
  3. Enter the necessary information, including your number, the recipient’s number, and the volume of data to transfer.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the transfer.

This method offers the convenience of a user-friendly interface and the ability to track your transactions.

Customer Service Assistance

If you encounter any issues while transferring data or if you simply prefer human assistance, you can reach out to 9mobile customer service.

  1. Dial 200 from your 9mobile number to reach customer service.
  2. Follow the prompts to speak with a representative.
  3. Provide the necessary information to the representative who will assist you with the transfer.

Customer service can also provide valuable advice and solutions to any problems you might encounter during data transfer.

See Also: How to Share Data on Airtel

Tips for a Successful Data Transfer on 9mobile

Transferring data successfully requires an understanding of the terms and conditions of the service. Here are a few tips:

  1. Always ensure you have sufficient balance in your data bundle before initiating a transfer.
  2. Understand the limitations on data transfer volume to avoid unsuccessful transfers.
  3. Keep your transfer PIN secure and change it regularly.

Related: How to Borrow Data from 9Mobile

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can postpaid customers transfer data on 9mobile?

No, currently only prepaid customers can transfer data.

Is there a limit to the amount of data I can transfer?

Yes, you can only transfer a maximum of 200MB at a time and a total of 1000MB in a month.


The ability to transfer data on 9mobile offers flexibility and convenience. Whether you’re using USSD codes, the online platform, or seeking customer service assistance, the process is designed to be user-friendly.

As we’ve discussed, understanding the process and adhering to the terms and conditions can ensure successful data transfers. So, explore these options on 9mobile and make the most of your data resources.

With this guide at your disposal, you’re equipped with the knowledge to navigate data transfer on 9mobile with ease. Happy sharing!