MTN Beta Talk Tariff Plan: Migration Code, Call Rate, and Benefits

MTN beta talk used to be one of the top tariff plans on the network not just because of its bonus offer on every recharge but also because of the low call rate.

Over the years, while tariff plans like mtn Pulse have become even more feature-rich, the same can’t be said about Beta Talk.

Its call rate on both the main and bonus accounts has gradually increased over the years which in turn has reduced the value of the plan.

How to Migrate to MTN Beta Talk

  • Code to Migrate: Dial *123*2*1#
  • Text to Migrate: Text BT to 131

The service is free and subsequent migration within 30 days to the previous one will cost you 102 Naira.

Benefits of MTN Beta Talk Plan

Please note that the airtime and data bonus is valid for 7 days. The benefits of being on beta talk are as follows:

  • You will get a 300% airtime bonus on recharge between 1 Naira and 99 Naira (inclusive) and a 200% data bonus
  • You will get a 300% airtime bonus on recharge between 100 Naira and 999, and a 20MB data bonus. You get a 20MB bonus for every recharge of 100 Naira. 200 gives 40MB, 300 gives 60MB, etc
  • You will get a 300% airtime bonus on recharge of 1000 Naira and above as well as a 200MB data bonus
  • 40MB for 50 Naira and 250MB for 200 Naira data offers.

Example 1: If you recharge 60 Naira on your line, you will get a 180 Naira airtime bonus and a 120 Naira data bonus. Meaning the total airtime you can use to make calls is 240 Naira and an additional 120 Naira that can only be used to browse.

The call rate for both main and bonus accounts will be explained below but the data bonus rate is 10 Naira per MB.

So, your 120 Naira data bonus is 120/10 = 12 MB.

Example 2: If you recharge 100 Naira, you will get a 300 Naira airtime bonus and a 20MB data bonus.

If you load 199 Naira, you will get a 597 Naira (199 x 3) airtime bonus but still a 20MB bonus. But if you had added 1 Naira to make it 200 Naira, you would have gotten a 600 Naira airtime bonus and a 40MB data bonus.

The same applies to recharge amounts between 200 – 299 Naira, and 300 – 399, until 900 – 999 Naira.

Example 3: If you recharge 1000 Naira, you will get a 3000 Naira airtime bonus and a 200MB data bonus.

If you recharge 3000 Naira, you will get a 9000 Naira airtime bonus but still a 200MB data bonus.

MTN Beta Talk Call Rate

  • Main Account: 32.50 kobo / second
  • Bonus Account: 73 kobo / second

Let’s do the Talktime calculation to see how long it will take to exhaust the recharge value of 100 Naira to 1000 Naira and remember that you will receive a 300% of your recharge value into your bonus account.

But, I will first convert the rates from kobo/sec to Naira/minute.

Main Account

  • 32.5 kobo – 1 second
  • X – 60 seconds (1 minute)

X = 1950 kobo / minute


  • 1 Naira – 100 kobo
  • X – 1950 kobo

X = 1950 / 100 = 19.5 Naira / Minute

Bonus Account

  • 73 kobo – 1 second
  • X – 60 seconds

X = 4380 kobo / minute


  • 1 Naira – 100 kobo
  • X – 4380 kobo

X = 4380 / 100 = 43.8 Naira / Minute

MTN Beta Talk Talktime

Below is how long it will take to exhaust a particular recharged value. This was calculated using the call rate of both the bonus and main account and adding them together.

It is worth noting that the first and fifth minutes calls of the day are charged from your main account while the rest are charged from the bonus account until it has been exhausted and the main account is being charged.

100 Naira Recharge

  • Main Account: 100 / 19.5 = 5.128 minutes
  • Bonus Account: 300 / 43.8 = 6.85 minutes

Talktime = 5.128 + 6.85 = 11 minutes 58 seconds

200 Naira Recharge

  • Main Account: 200 / 19.5 = 10.256 minutes
  • Bonus Account: 600 / 43.8 = 13.699 minutes

Talktime = 10.256 + 13.699 = 23 minutes 57 seconds

300 Naira Recharge

  • Main Account: 300 / 19.5 = 15.385 minutes
  • Bonus Account: 900 / 43.8 = 20.548 minutes

Talktime = 15.385 + 20.548 = 35 minutes 56 seconds

500 Naira Recharge

  • Main Account: 500 / 19.5 = 25.641 minutes
  • Bonus Account: 1500 / 43.8 = 34.247 minutes

Talktime = 25.641 + 34.247 = 59 minutes 53 seconds

1000 Naira Recharge

  • Main Account: 1000 / 19.5 = 51.282 minutes
  • Bonus Account: 3000 / 43.8 = 68.493 minutes

Talktime = 51.282 + 68.493 = 119 minutes 46 seconds

Final Thought on MTN Beta Talk

From the Talktime calculation, you can see that beta talk is no longer among the top call plans on mtn network in Nigeria. Even with a 300% airtime bonus, the Talktime is still less than 12 minutes for 100 Naira airtime.

Compared to the likes of the MTN Xtra Value plan and Pulse that both have a better talk time and also come with additional benefits. I won’t, in good conscience recommend beta talk to anyone at the moment.

I have written about other mtn call plans some that are good for calls, some for international calls, and some for data. I will advise you to check them out before you decide if what you want is mtn beta talk tariff plan or not.